To add references to your library, you will select from options across the top of the screen.
One option is to hand enter references. Select the button with the plus sign (+).
A new window will open. From the pull-down menu, select the type of document you are creating a reference for. Most items will be journal articles, although there is also the possibility of books or book chapters.
Once you select the document type, the system automatically sets out the fields that need to be filled. The minimum amount of information is listed in the first few fields. There are additional fields you can fill.
If you have less than ten items to add, hand typing may well be the most efficient approach.
Perform your PubMed search as usual.
To select references to add to your library, click in the boxes next to those items.
From the "Send To" pull-down menu, click on the option for "Citation manager".
You can bring the references into EndNote by clicking on the file you created.
To bring the references into EndNote manually, select "Import" from the pull-down menu labeled "File".
Find the file that contains your references (It will likely be called pubmed_result.txt).
You will need to apply a filter to import the file. To do so, click on the button labeled "Options".
Select the filter needed to appropriately tag the references. In this case, choose "PubMed" as your filter.
The references will automatically be saved to a group called "Imported References".
Perform your search in in CINAHL as usual. For references that you want to add to your collection, click in the box next to that citation. Then click on the "Cite" tool (quotation marks) to save the results.
Click on the link labeled "Export Citation".
For CINAHL, save the references in RIS format.
If you've acquired references from multiple sources, you'll want to check to make sure that you aren't keeping multiple copies of the same reference.
From the pull-down menu labeled "Library", select the option labeled "Find Duplicates".
The software offers you a choice of which form of the referene to keep.
When you've decided which reference to keep, click on the button labeled "Keep this Record".
To add references to a group, click on them once to highlight them.
From the pull-down menu labeled "Groups", select the option labeled "Add References To".
If you already have existing groups, select the group you want to add the references to.
If you have no existing groups, or if you want to create a new group for these references, select the option labeled "Create Custom Group".
If you are creating a group for the first time, you will need to give the group a name.
Be sure to give your group a meaningful name. "Cholera vaccines" is more meaningful thatn "PubMed Search".
Once you have assembled your references, you may want to produce a bibliography.
Click on the references you want to include in your bibliography by clicking on them once to highlight them
To create a bibliography, click on the arrow icon on the toolbar or select "Export" from the pull-down menu labeled "File".
In the resulting dialog box, give your file a name.
In order to maintain the formatting required in most styles (e.g. bolded text, italicized text, underlined text), you must save your file in rtf format.
Choose the bibliographic style in which your bibliography will appear.
When you have made all your selections, click on the button labeled "Save".
Cite While Your Write is an add-on that allows you to insert references into your paper using word processing software. It is installed automatically when you install the EndNote software on your computer. If you installed EndNote 21, Cite While You Write is compatible with Word 2010 and above. It cannot be used with Office 365 unless the application is downloaded to your computer.
You can find the tools for Cite While You Write in the tab labeled EndNote on the Word toolbar.
Once you have typed the text after which you want to insert a reference, you will need to search for the reference in EndNote.
Select the search tool (magnifying glass) from the Cite While You Write Toolbar. Be sure to select the appropriate style you want for your document from the pull-down menu.
Enter your search criteria in the search box.
The reference that meets your criteria will appear in the results box. In the event that there is more than one reference, highlight the one you want to use by clicking on it once.
Once you have selected the reference you want to use, click on the button labeled "Insert".
The note will be added into the text in the format selected.
The citation will be added at the current end of the document. If you wish to make this a new page, hit the return button until a new page is created. Then go back to your text and start typing.
Each time you add a new reference, it will be added to the current end of the document.
There are tutorials available from the vendor and from other sources. Some of these are available on the EndNote page at the Library web site.
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