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Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Guide

A LibGuide

ACE Star Model of the Cycle of Knowledge Transformation (Last updated 2002)

This Knowledge Translation model has five steps:

  • Discovery,
  • Evidence Summary,
  • Translation
  • Evaluation 
  • Integration. 

It's aim is help clinicians speed the process of change with evidence-based strategies.

Implementing the New Essential Evidence‐Based Practice Competencies in Real‐world Clinical and Academic Settings: Moving From Evidence to Action in Improving Healthcare Quality and Patient Outcomes

  • Article by Melnyk and Gallagher-Ford that describes the competencies that practicing nurses need now to practice Evidence-Based nursing.
  • There are very few tools that validate Evidence-Based Practice.
  • This article describes the tool they have developed and validated.

PARiHS Framework for Implementing Research into Practice

  • This model is from Mc Master University  and come
  • from published research by A. Kitson, G Harvey, B McCormack
  • The PARiHS (Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services) framework provides a way to implement research into practice.
  • With case studies of teams implementing evidence, it examines the interactions between three key elements for knowledge translation.
  • Three factors determine research use:
    • Evidence (E)
    • Context (C)
    • Facilitation (F)
  • This framework argues that successful implementation (SI) of evidence into practice
    • has as much to do with the context or setting where the new evidence was being introduced and
    • how that new evidence was introduced (facilitated into practice) as it had to do with the quality of the evidence.

Evidently Cochrane

  • Blog about evidence-based nursing practice that is part of the Cochrane Library.
  • Real experience about putting Best Nursing Evidence into practice. 
  • British based blog
  • Some postings are particular to British nursing. 
  • Most are not. 

Implementing PVC Guidelines

  • A posting on Evidently Cochrane. 
  • Nurses discussed  how administrative support influenced adaption (or not) of the latest best practice guidelines.  

A Test of the ARCC© Model Improves Implementation of Evidence‐Based Practice, Healthcare Culture, and Patient Outcomes

This article by Melnyk and others (2016) purports that only her model of evidence based practice has shown that it can be successfully implemented.  

Cochrane Evidence on catheter washouts: from Twitter to the Bedside

Another Evidently Cochrane blog post on using evidence based research to improve nursing practice.