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Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Guide

A LibGuide

Johns Hopkins Nursing Center for Evidence-Based Practice

Johns Hopkins Center for Evidence-Based Practice has developed its own model of evidence-based nursing practice. It offers a set on tools  (found elsewhere in this guide) to implement this model  as well as a textbook, and several courses to disseminate this model.  

Duke University Medical Center Library & Archives:Resources for EBP

This is a LIbGuide specifically devoted to Evidence-Based Nursing.  Copy and paste journal references as text, not links, so that you can find them in the Medical Research Library of Brooklyn .

Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare

Offers a variety of free web-based seminars and courses as well as paid intensive courses on  Evidence-Based Practice.  Their model of Evidence-Based Practice stresses that all levels of nursing education and practice should integrate evidence-based practice.  They also state that nurses should be demonstrate evidence-based competencies.  This can only happen with organization and educational support for evidence-based practice.