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Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Guide

A LibGuide

Academic Evidence Based Practice Resources 

Nursing Research Library Guide from McMaster University 


  • How to understanding and use  evidence informed decision making.
  • British and the Canadians have adapted  formulation "Evidence informed" vs. "evidence based".   
  • 'Evidence Informed Decision Making" is a "broad concept referring to the incorporation of valid and relevant external evidence during the decision making process".



Qualitative Research Guide (Duke University Library)

  • Online resources to aid in conducting, finding, using, synthesizing, and teaching qualitative research in the health sciences.
  • Qualitative data-data that is not easily reduced to numbers.
  • Qualitative data tends to answer questions about the 'what', 'how' and 'why' of a phenomenon,
  • Does not answer questions of 'how many' or 'how much' 


Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (York University)

  • Gathers reviews and evaluates them
  • Searchable by topic

Guideline Development - GRADE approach  


  • The GRADE approach reflects ‘best practice’ in terms of clinical guideline development 
  • Each guideline proposed is given an actual letter grade,
  • Strength of the available evidence.determines the grade
  • Endorsed by organizations across the globe.
  • The Australian Grade Newsletter gives resources for understanding the GRADE concepts.

Literature and Systematic Reviews Evidence Based Bursing Practices Resources

Literature and Systematic Reviews Evidence Based Nursing Practices Resources

How to Choose a Design to Review the Literature (BMJ Journal  of Evidence Based Nursing)

  • Reviews 15 different review types
  • Guides authors on review type best for for different research questions.  

Center for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)

  • Home of the DARE and NHS EED Archives. 

  • Historical databases that can be used to see reviews and economic evaluations were previously done. 

  • They were last updated in 2014 and 2015


Understanding Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

  •  Defines in depth Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 
  • Explains how to use them.  
  • Discusses problems with  “traditional” narrative reviews.  
  • From the Journal Archives of Disease in Childhood Diseases

What is a Meta-Analysis?

  • Defines Meta-Analysis and how to use it.
  • From the Journal of Evidence Based Nursing  t.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis: Understanding the Best Evidence in Primary Healthcare Clinicians

  •  Explains the use of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in finding evidence for the Primary Care Physician.
  •   From Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care (213)
  • Still valid as Background Information

Additional Sources Evidence Based Nursing Practice Reesources


Additional Sources Evidence Based Nursing Practice Resources

Sigma Depository

  • formerly called the Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository
  • The only USA repository solely dedicated to sharing works created by nurses.
  •  An open-access digital academic and clinical scholarship service
  • Freely collects, preserves, and disseminates full-text nursing research and evidence-based practice materials.
  • The repository is a resource of SIGMA, formerly known as the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International."