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Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Guide

A LibGuide

The Basics - Entering the Medical Research Library of Brooklyn, the DHSU Library

  • The Medical Library of Brooklyn (Downstate's library) has changed.  
  • Most resources are now online. 
  • The catalog is only on line. 
  • Searching for the best evidence in evidence based nursing practice is actually easier now,
  • All  employees of DMC have a Net ID that allows access to their timesheets, their email and Library off-site. 
  • Your NetID allows you to use the library from any computer, that has internet access.

If you don't know your NetID go here first.  

  • You can start using this LibGuide without a NetID,
  • If you want to explore sites that are in this library, you will be asked for your Net ID. 
  • Resources that you may need are in the left hand column. 
  • Tutorials for these resources are here as well.

To reach a reference librarian 

  • You must use a Downstate email address.
  • Go to the Main Library page and use the link between the life preservers. 

What is a "Library Resource"?

Library Resources are basically sources of information. 

Examples of library resources include but are not limited to 

  • Databases
  • Print journals and textbooks
  • E-journals and e-textbooks
  • Videos
  • DVDs
  • Tutorials 
  • Interlibrary Loan
  • Search engines
  • Publisher collections such as StaRef, Clinical Key and Access Medicine

DHSU users have access to all library resources when they enter the library portal or the physical library.

What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?

It provides electronic scans of material not owned by the Library including.  

  • Articles
  • Book chapters
  • Monographs
  • Audiovisual materials

Use your Downstate email and Net ID to first set up an account. 

ILL needs its own log-on to use

What is a Database?  How to Use it   (McMaster University Library:)

  •  Video also introduces the terms "Subject Headings" and "Keywords"

How to Identify Peer Reviewed Journals.  (Oregon State University Libraries)

  • Methods to identify a peer-reviewed journals
  • Includes 5-minute video

What Is a Boolean Operator? (University of Florida Medical School)

  • Many databases use Boolean Operators to to logically sift through your search terms. 
  • This video defines Boolean terms and demonstrates their use in a database search.  


Top of Form

How to Evaluate Information on the Web  (Wolfgram Memorial Library at Widener University)

  • General instructions for evaluating  and and all web pages,
  • Thoroughness and vivid examples make this tutorial useful.


Evaluating Health Websites (Medline Plus)

  • Criteria to evaluate health web sites.

Understanding Evidence

  • Does the treatment really  work? 
  • Have the study authors really proved that a treatment doesn't work? 
  • These articles help you  interpret conclusions in a research article.  

The Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence  (British Medical Journal)

  •  Editorial 

An Invisible Unicorn has been Grazing in my Office for a Month.... Prove me Wrong. (Evidently Cochrane)

  • Blog posts discuss critical evaluation of evidence in the literature.