Cochrane Library special collection: coronavirus (COVID-19): evidence relevant to critical care
This Special Collection includes Cochrane Reviews on: fluid and vasopressor therapy; respiratory support and mechanical ventilation; weaning mechanical ventilation; managing hypoxaemia; pharmacological treatment; and nutrition in intensive care. Many of these reviews have associated Cochrane Clinical Answers.
F1000Prime: the COVID-19 articles you need to read
F1000 Faculty have evaluated the COVID-19 literature and handpicked the most relevant and important research. To assist in addressing this pandemic, all of these articles are now freely available to access on F1000Prime.
LitCovid - National Library of Medicine:
LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus extracted from PubMED. Project from the NIH and NLM. Updated daily.